Meet Bored Bishop

Bored Bishop came from a long line of swashbucklers who brewed beer in the prohibition days and snuck it onto ships from the central port of XXXX - today with his Crypto windfall - Bored Bishop hangs out at the Bored Ape Yacht club being bored, or in his dog friendly Boring Brewery playing bored games all day.


banana berry SOUR ALE
6.9% AlC./vol

bored bishop’s

Sad Sailor Sour

Sour enough to make you tear up, but sweet enough to make you smile, Bored bishop’s flagship beer—the sad sailor sour— has been batch-crafted with all the love an ape can provide. Hop a-bored and set sail to flavour country.


Illustrated patch of a beer can with the words 'BORED BREWING' on it